Friday, 7 June 2013

Kettle Drum

And last for today, the Boggart take on the Playford Tune 'Kettle Drum' which we use for our dance 'Snake Pass'.

MaDe Schottische

The tune we use for our dance 'Staples' - this one was a bugger to learn.

And Darren doing it better

Takking Boggarts

Schottische a Bethanie - The tune for the dance 'Takking'

And done properly by Darren


Grrr... I know this tune so well - yet can I play it well in front of a video!!!!  This is the best I could do after a million takes - it would be played slower for Boggarts' dancing though.

Here's a much better version by Boggarts' Darren.

Boggart tunes.

Claire's learning some of the Boggart tunes on the Boggart Pokerwork. I'm not suggesting she starts with this one :-D

A Hornpipe for Mr Moore

And done properly..