Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Enrico videos for Lynne ;-)

This was one of Thomas Hardy's favourite tunes evidently.  Although he knew it as 'Jacob'.

Ok - so for those not able to read the hieroglyphs (Lynne!), here are a couple of video links.  I like the one played on the mandolin best - I think I want to try and get some 'delicacy' into the way I play it - which will be a bit of a challenge for my melodeon playing!!  It does highlight what I said in the introduction to this blog concerning the way tunes are interpreted so differently by different players, and for different purposes... I wonder how they would have danced to it in Thomas Hardy's day?

Enrico on mandolin.

Enrico played on melodeon(s)

1 comment:

  1. Also known as The Henryco, Enrico&Jacob, and Waterloo Fair. First played it on fiddle years ago, but not tried it on box......yet! After you!
